templates/components/cards/card-product.html.twig line 1

Open in your IDE?
  1. {% import "macros/product.html.twig" as productMacros %}
  2. {% import 'components/avatar.html.twig' as avatar %}
  3. {% import 'components/button.html.twig' as button %}
  4. {% import _self as self %}
  5. <article class="product-card flex flex-col h-full">
  6.   <header class="product-card__image-container">
  7.     <a href="{{ path('app_product_show', {'slug': product.slug}) }}" class="relative flex h-full">
  8.       {% if (product.mainProductImage) %}
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  10.       {% endif %}
  11.     </a>
  12.     <div class="product-card__right">
  13.       {% if (product.brand and product.brand.logo) %}
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  15.       {% endif %}
  16.       {% if product.showCountdown %}
  17.         <div class="product-card__countdown {{ product.isFinished ? '' : 'countdownTimer' }}" data-end-offer-string="{{ product.endOfferDate|date("Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP") }}">
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  21.           00h : 00m : 00s
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  23. {#
  24.         <button data-modal="countdownProduct"  id="info-icon" class="cursor-pointer border-2 border-primary-500 text-primary-500 rounded-full w-6 h-6 flex items-center justify-center cursor-pointer">
  25.             ?
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  27. #}
  28.       {% endif %}
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  31.   <section class="product-card__info flex-grow flex flex-col">
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  34.         <h2 class="product-card__title  text-center w-full tablet:mb-0.5">
  35.           <a href="{{ path('app_product_show', {'slug': product.slug}) }}" title="{{ product.name }}" class="w-full whitespace-nowrap inline-block text-ellipsis">
  36.             {{ product.name }}
  37.           </a>
  38.         </h2>
  39.         {% if app.user or (app.user is null and product.isShowPrice) %}
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  41.             <div class=" text-center sm:text-right col-span-12 sm:col-span-7 sm:empty:col-span-12 sm:flex sm:items-center sm:justify-end">
  42.                 {%if product.individualPrice != product.nextPrice%}
  43.                     <div class="sm:flex sm:items-center sm:justify-end">
  44.                         <span class="text-sm tablet:text-base line-through inline-flex leading-none">
  45.                         {#
  46.                         {{ productMacros.priceWithDecimals(product.originalPrice / product.unitsPerBox, '€', 'text-xs leading-none tablet:text-xs tablet:leading-5') }} 
  47.                         #}
  48.                         {{ productMacros.priceWithDecimals(product.individualPrice, '€', 'text-xs leading-none tablet:text-xs tablet:leading-5') }} 
  49.                         </span>
  50.                         <div class="text-sm tablet:text-base text-primary font-bold inline-block leading-none sm:ml-2">
  51.                             <span class="inline-flex">{{ productMacros.priceWithDecimals(product.nextPrice, '€', 'text-xs leading-none tablet:text-xs tablet:leading-5') }}</span>/ <span>{{"product.ud" | trans}}</span>
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  53.                     </div>
  54.                 {%else%}
  55.                     <div class="sm:flex sm:items-center sm:justify-end">
  56.                         {%if product.originalPrice > product.individualPrice%}
  57.                             <span class="text-sm tablet:text-base line-through inline-flex leading-none">
  58.                             {{ productMacros.priceWithDecimals(product.originalPrice, '€', 'text-xs leading-none tablet:text-xs tablet:leading-5') }} 
  59.                             </span>
  60.                             <div class="text-sm tablet:text-base text-primary font-bold inline-block leading-none sm:ml-2">
  61.                                 <span class="inline-flex">{{ productMacros.priceWithDecimals(product.nextPrice, '€', 'text-xs leading-none tablet:text-xs tablet:leading-5') }}</span>/ <span>{{"product.ud" | trans}}</span>
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  63.                         {%else%}   
  64.                             <span class="text-sm tablet:text-base inline-flex leading-none">
  65.                             {{ productMacros.priceWithDecimals(product.originalPrice , '€', 'text-xs leading-none tablet:text-xs tablet:leading-5') }}
  66.                             </span><span> / {{"product.ud" | trans}}</span>
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  71.             <div class="text-right col-span-12 sm:col-span-5">
  72.             {% if app.user %}
  73.                 {% if groupsProducts is defined and groupsProducts[product.id] is defined %}
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  75.                         <div class="flex items-center ml-auto product-card__avatars__people popupGroups hover:cursor-pointer" data-entity-id="{{product.id}}" >
  76.                             {% for group in groupsProducts[product.id].groups | slice(0, 5) %}
  77.                                 {% if group.buyingGroup is not null %}
  78.                                     {% if group.buyingGroup.image %}
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  80.                                     {% else %}
  81.                                         {{ avatar.create(asset('build/images/group_placeholder.webp'), product.name, 'lg') }}
  82.                                     {% endif %}
  83.                                 {% endif %}
  84.                             {% endfor %}
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  87.                             {% for group in groupsProducts[product.id].groups %}
  88.                                 {% if group.buyingGroup is not null %}
  89.                                     {{ group.buyingGroup.name }}|{{ group.buyingGroup.image ? path('app_media_thumbnail_display', {'id': group.buyingGroup.image.id}) : asset('build/images/group_placeholder.webp') }},
  90.                                 {% endif %}
  91.                             {% endfor %}
  92.                         ">
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  125.       <input type="hidden" class="currentPrice_value" value="{{ product.isSellIsEnought}}" />
  126.       <input type="hidden" class="currentPrice_hidden" name="currentPrice" value="{{product.nextPrice|number_format(2, ',', '.')}}" />
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  129.     {% if app.user %}
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  144.       {# <a
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  146.         class="group text-white bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-400 text-sm sm:text-lg rounded p-2 shadow-md transition-colors flex justify-center items-center"
  147.       >
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  151.       {#
  152.       <button class="group hover:bg-primary-500 rounded p-2 shadow-md transition-colors" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#authOnlyModal">
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  160. {# Product Macros #}
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  176.       <a class="twitter"></a>
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  183.         <small>{{ "general.share" | trans }}</small>
  184.         <span class="badge rounded-pill bg-primary">{{ influencerShared.totalReferredPoints|format_currency('EUR') }}</span>
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  187. {% macro shareButtonNormal(product, price) %}
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  190.         {% set sbTitle = 'general.offerpurchasedbyuser'|trans %}
  191.     {% else %}
  192.         {% set sbTitle = 'general.offer_found_by_user'|trans %}
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